The perfect latte - this is how you can prepare it, even at home!

der perfekte Milchkaffee - unsere Tipps & Tricks für die Zubereitung - Kaffeeheimat

We would like to share our tips and tricks with you on how to prepare the perfect latte. Although everyone has their own taste preferences, there are some basic tips that you should always keep in mind - find out more about them now!

What exactly is a latte?

Everyone knows about milky coffee, almost everyone has had it at some point and, just like its counterparts cappuccino, flat white and latte macchiato, it is one of the most popular coffee specialties with milk. Especially in cafés and restaurants, most people prefer to drink coffee drinks with milk.

But here we also see the first big difference: a latte is made with filter coffee - not espresso ( we explain the difference here )! 50% filter coffee , 50% milk. And all of this without any fuss, because the mixing ratios have always been the same. Of course, personal preferences come into play here as to how strong you want your latte to be. But for the perfect latte, we always use 50% filter coffee! (By the way, this is how you make a good hand-filtered coffee - find out more here!

How to prepare a latte:

Latte is not rocket science - quite the opposite. Simply prepare a filter coffee using a filter coffee machine, hand filter or French press and add the same amount of boiled milk. The milk can be slightly frothed - but it doesn't have to be! Latte art is not usually used to decorate a latte. So you see - basically anyone can make a latte, so you don't even have to learn how to froth the milk properly (although the latte can still have a small milk cap).

The right coffee for the perfect latte!

Of course, we need a good filter coffee for a decent latte. It can be a little stronger and have an intense flavor profile. The high milk content can mean that a light filter coffee without much body doesn't have much of the coffee flavor left once the milk is added. We don't recommend roasts that are too light, as this will make the coffee more acidic, which is made even more pronounced by the milk. Omni-roasts, medium and dark coffee roasts are therefore best. This allows the chocolatey and caramel notes to develop particularly well and creates a particularly delicious taste experience - the perfect latte!

From our Kafeeheimat range, the best coffee to use is our India - Monsooned Malabar or our Honduras from the country roastery . Our organic espresso varieties from the country roastery are also suitable for this.

The perfect latte - the right coffee

The perfect milk for a latte - our tip!

Fat carries flavor, so for the perfect latte you should make sure you choose milk with 3.5% or even 3.8%. Of course, milk with 1.5% tastes good too - but for our perfect latte we recommend at least 3.5% fat.

One thing is also clear: use fresh milk! Fresh milk simply tastes much better than long-life milk! Milk substitutes are also good alternatives and are becoming increasingly popular - so try oat milk and see which you like better! Many cafés usually offer both alternatives, but there is plenty of room for experimentation and testing, especially for your own preparation at home!

This is how latte is drunk in other countries!

Of course, milk coffee is drunk all over the world - not just in Germany. Of course, other countries have different preferences and variations.

Latte in France:

In France, you can't go past a Café au Lait. That's what the French call coffee with milk. It's prepared the same way, but it's usually served in a large bowl. Serve with a good croissant and you're ready to start the day.

Latte in Spain:

Spain calls its milk coffee Cafe con Leche - coffee with milk. However, the coffee here is made with espresso and not with filter coffee. The espresso is very darkly roasted and the milk is served separately. Add a little sugar and oil and the Cafe con Leche is ready in Spain.

Latte in Portugal:

The Portuguese call their milk coffee Meia de Leite and it is prepared and served like in Spain. Serve with a Natas - a puff pastry tart with vanilla cream - incredibly delicious and highly recommended!


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