We want to offer you a platform where you can not only discover delicious and tasty coffees and espressos, but also learn everything about the beloved hot drink. The Kaffeeheimat includes the brands Kaffeebrewda & Landrösterei, which are located in different areas of the coffee world. Under the Landrösterei you will find organically certified coffee specialties with which you can enjoy your coffee consciously. We pay particular attention to sustainability, fair and direct trade, as well as high quality coffee beans. Under the Kaffeebrewda brand you will find simply good coffee, coffee for everyday use, but also crazy microlots & specialty coffee from direct trade with our coffee farmers. Certification is expensive, which is why not all coffee farmers can afford it. However, when selecting the Kaffeebrewda coffee beans, we make sure that coffee is grown sustainably - but without certification. You will also find numerous coffee seminars with which we can quench your thirst for coffee knowledge. All of this is our Kaffeeheimat!