Coffee knowledge

Erik Brockholz
Warum ist Kaffee sauer?

Why is coffee sour?

A common problem for many coffee drinkers is an unexpectedly sour taste in their coffee. This can have several causes, from the preparation method to the bean quality and brewing parameters. In this article, I will explain why your coffee can taste sour and offer practical tips to fix this problem. The main causes of sour coffee The sour taste in your coffee can be due to several factors. Here are the most common causes: Freshness of the beans Freshly roasted coffee beans contain natural acids that break down over time. An overly sour taste can indicate that the beans...

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Erik Brockholz
Washed, Natural oder Semi-Washed: Ein detaillierter Guide zur Kaffeeaufbereitung

Washed, Natural or Semi-Washed: A detailed guide to coffee preparation

The quality and aroma of coffee is not only influenced by the beans themselves, but also by the way they are processed. Different processing methods produce unique flavor profiles and play a crucial role in the development of the final product. In this article, we take a look at the three most popular processing methods: washed, natural and semi-washed. Excursus: The coffee cherry and its layers Let's start with a little deep dive into the world of the coffee cherry: The coffee cherry is the fruit of the coffee tree and contributes significantly to the quality and aroma of the...

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Erik Brockholz
Cold Brew Kaffee: Ein Trendgetränk erobert die Kaffeewelt

Cold Brew Coffee: A trendy drink conquers the coffee world

Cold brew coffee has evolved from a niche preference to a global trend in recent years, captivating coffee lovers around the world. This cold brewed coffee differs from traditional hot brewed coffee with its unique aroma and smooth texture. Let's dive in and find out exactly what cold brew is, how it's made, and what benefits it offers. What is cold brew coffee? Cold brew is a method of brewing coffee that involves extracting coarsely ground coffee beans in cold water for a long period of time (usually 12 to 24 hours). This process takes place at room temperature or...

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Erik Brockholz
Entkoffeinierter Kaffee: Eine beliebte Alternative für Kaffeeliebhaber

Decaffeinated coffee: A popular alternative for coffee lovers

Are you curious about how decaffeinated coffee has become a popular choice for coffee lovers? Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of decaffeinated coffee as we explore its history, different decaffeination methods, taste and health aspects. Ready for an exciting journey through the world of decaffeinated coffee? What is decaffeinated coffee? Decaffeinated coffee, also known as decaffeinated coffee, is a variation of our favorite hot beverage that has had most of the caffeine removed. To be considered "decaffeinated," the coffee must lose at least 97% of its caffeine content. This allows coffee lovers to enjoy the taste...

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