The preparation methods of coffee - an overview


This text is for everyone who doesn't yet have a real overview of the different ways of preparing coffee. Because the world of coffee can seem big, overwhelming and a little confusing at first glance. But no problem - we'll give you a clear insight into the beautiful art of brewing coffee and are happy to enlighten you with our knowledge and give you a few tips. From filter coffee to Bialetti, we'll clear things up. Enjoy reading!

The classic: filter coffee

Many people know it from their grandma: a deep black, bitter coffee from a 40-year-old filter coffee machine. But filter coffee doesn't have to taste like that. Actually, this method of preparing coffee isn't old-fashioned at all and has been back in fashion for a few years! Why? The finest and most beautiful coffee aromas and nuances can be tasted from filter coffee. Crystal clear and without coffee grounds. There isn't just one type of filter coffee , but several different ways of preparing it. The right accessories are available in our shop and we'll explain how to prepare filter coffee now:

The filter coffee machine

The really classic classic is the filter coffee machine. A filter coffee paper is placed in a kind of funnel, finely ground coffee powder is added and then hot water is poured over it using an electric pump system. The coffee then flows into a coffee pot underneath which stands on a heated plate. It is important with these machines to clean them regularly and properly, otherwise a lot of coffee oils will remain in the machine and the coffee will always taste bitter. Otherwise, this is a nice method for a simple and reliable method for a pleasant filter coffee .

Easy recipe: 

For 250ml of water, add about 4 heaped teaspoons of coffee or 2 coffee scoops (if you have one on hand). That's 14 - 16 grams of coffee.

The hand filter

There are also further subdivisions of the hand filter , such as the V60 or Chemex. The systems are relatively similar and yet very different. With the V60 you need a jug to put under the filter and the Chemex is a jug and filter device in one - very nice to look at, a model has even been on display in the Modern Art Museum in New York since 1958. 

The preparation is as follows: 

For 250ml of water you need 15 - 18 grams of coffee. You fill this into the filter and pour over it hot water at around 90° to 96°C. First pour in a small amount to make the coffee powder "bloom", wait 30 seconds and then pour the rest of the water over the powder in even movements. This is the best way to extract the aromas.


The Aeropress

The Aeropress comes from the same inventor of the Aerobie (a type of Frisbee). The industrious inventor was simply fed up with always having to drink cold coffee because he could never drink a pot fast enough on his own. So he set himself the task of creating the perfect cup of filter coffee and designed the Aeropress. Here, a filter paper is placed in a type of cylinder, coffee powder is added and hot water is poured over it. Then a piston presses the coffee through the cylinder by hand. The result is an incredibly clear and delicious filter coffee!

Quick recipe:

Depending on your taste, you will need around 14-18 grams of coffee per 250ml of water. Fill it, pour it over and press it down quickly after 2-3 minutes at the latest.

Cold Brew Coffee

This filter coffee is perfect for hot summer days and can be used in many different ways. Whether pure, as an iced latte or in coffee cocktails. It does take a bit of time though - it needs to brew for 12 - 24 hours in a dark, cool place. But in return you get an incredibly smooth, sweet and simply amazing coffee!


For one liter of coffee you need about 60 - 70 grams of coffee. Pour fresh, clear and COLD water over this and leave to brew. Don't forget to stir! After 12 - 24 hours the coffee can then be filtered.

The strong one: Espresso

No, we're not talking about August, but about our all-rounder: espresso. Pure, in a cappuccino or deliciously poured over ice - it's indispensable! For a delicious espresso, you need a portafilter machine . This presses hot water through finely ground coffee powder at high pressure, extracting a full-bodied, concentrated espresso. 


For a double shot you need about 11-14 grams of coffee, and about 50-60ml of water flows through it. Make sure the optimal run-through time is 25-30 seconds!

The cozy one: French Press

Some people also call it a French press, because fresh coffee powder is poured over with hot water in a pot, left to stand for 3-5 minutes and then pressed down with a kind of stamp. No extra filter paper is needed and the French press is also very visually appealing.


Depending on how strong you like your coffee, you will need about 20 grams of coffee for 1 liter of coffee. Fill it, pour it over, let it brew and press it down. Done!

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Really Italian: The Bialetti

Many people think that the Bialetti or stove pot makes a real espresso, but the pressure is simply too low for that! It is only 2.5 bar here - but an espresso requires 9 bar. That is why there is no crema. But the coffee with the Bialetti is still tasty. Water is poured into a small container, finely ground coffee powder is poured into a sieve and then a pot is screwed on. The heat from the stove then pushes the water through the coffee powder through a small pipe and bubbles into the pot. It smells good, tastes good and you can hear and see it. Coffee for all the senses.


As you can see, there are many different ways of preparing coffee and no two are the same. But they all have one thing in common: they all simply conjure up good, delicious coffee. Pay attention to the quality of your coffee with each preparation method and find a recipe that suits you and your taste. A little experimentation doesn't hurt, of course. If you are still looking for the perfect way to prepare coffee for you and don't really know what suits you best, then come and visit us at our coffee beginners seminar. Here we try out the wonderful ways to prepare coffee and no one is left behind. We look forward to seeing you - see you soon!

Your Kaffeebrewda

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