This week we'll explain why your espresso might not have the explosion of flavor you were hoping for. There are a lot of factors behind this, and coffee is a science in itself. So grab a cup of your favorite espresso and find out why your espresso is as good as it is, or where you can improve it. Enjoy reading!
Espresso doesn't taste good - why is that?
Tip No. 1: Pay attention to the bean!
The main character in coffee is undoubtedly the bean - you just can't do without it. But not every coffee bean is the same. It depends on the variety, growing region, processing, roasting, quality, and much more. If your bean isn't exactly top-notch, then this could be the reason why the espresso tastes more bitter than heavenly alert. So here's my tip: try different beans and be willing to experiment! Not all coffee is the same - there is so much to discover! From chocolatey, nutty to the craziest fruity notes. Everyone has slightly different tastes and preferences.
Tip No: Roasting is crucial!
Your espresso doesn't taste good - Have you ever paid attention to the roast? Perhaps your espresso is roasted too lightly for your taste, then it tastes sour. If it is roasted too darkly for your taste, then it tastes bitter and burnt. And that's what coffee roasting is all about: finding that sweet spot that is optimal for each bean. Coaxing out the perfect roast is an art and we love finding it out! So my very simple tip is: try, try, try!
Tip No. 3: Adjust the grind setting!
If your grind is too coarse, your water will say "Ciao" faster than you can say espresso. Water is incredibly lazy and will take the easiest path. There is no such thing as optimal extraction. But if you grind your coffee too finely, the water will wash over your coffee powder for too long and the espresso will be bitter. So follow my simple tip: your coffee powder for your espresso should be a little finer than table salt. Your best buddy for achieving this is a good coffee grinder . Then you will never think again: my espresso doesn't taste good!
Tip #4: What does your machine look like?
There are many different types of coffee in your portafilter machine, which can be the reason for a not particularly tasty espresso. So my tip: make sure you have the right brewing temperature between 90°-96°C and the right pressure of 9 bar. So service your machine regularly and care for it with the manufacturer's recommended care products. This way you can keep your portafilter machine in good shape for decades!
Tip #5: Do you have the right technique?
As in many areas of life, it all depends on the right technique. You can have the best beans and the most expensive machine, but without the right technique your espresso will not perform. So find out how much coffee powder you need, practice tamping correctly and make sure the brewing time is 25 - 30 seconds. This lays the foundation for a really good espresso.
Tip No. 6: Watch your water!
Yes, not all water is the same. Water that is too hard can make your espresso undrinkable and mask the fine aromas. The key here is soft water. You can find out whether you have hard or soft water from your local water supplier. Hard water also does not improve the taste - this is where decalcifiers in the form of water filters can help. They are not only worthwhile for coffee water, they are also much better for cooking and everyday drinking water!
Conclusion: Happy ending!
After following my tips, I hope you will never have to think again: My espresso doesn't taste good! I invite you to experiment, learn and master. The perfect espresso is a path and, as we all know, this is the goal. In our seminars we are happy to support you, walk part of the way together and give you valuable tips on how you can cover the last part on your own. So, dear coffee enthusiasts, enjoy your meal and see you soon with an even more delicious espresso!
PS: Of course we have the most delicious espresso ;)
Your coffee brewda